Sep 2016
Well to say today was eventful is just a bit of an understatement!!! Today was the start of a new chapter in the Studio Dancewear story because today I moved into my new office space!!! Now to some that may not be that much of a big deal but yesterday was also Studio Dancewear's 2nd birthday and I literally started with nothing, not a pair of shoes, absolutely nothing and today I have started to move some of my stock into an office where I can meet people and do fittings and have all of my stock on show. To say I'm proud doesn't really come close to how I felt when I started to bring my stock in and set it up. My plan is to be there as much as I can, I won't have any set times so please keep an eye on Facebook, text/phone/message me and I can guarantee that I will do everything I can to meet you at a time that suits everyone. It is also a space where I intend on being open for a day (Saturday), every 4-6 weeks so people can call in at their leisure. I suppose I should tell you all where I am!!! I am in The Fine Framers Building in the Wexford Road Business Park, Wexford Road, Carlow. So there you go, a new and very exciting chapter, keep an eye open for more chapters to come :-)